This texture mod, made from images of the real location, changes the fictional ULSA University to its real life counterpart, the UCLA!
Specifically it changes:
-The entrance signs.
– The Golden Seal of the University at the top of the external stairway.
– The entrances of the “Powell” Library (2 options).
Please note: The entrance of the “Powell” Library has one option with the sign “LIBRARY” (Option 1) and another without it (Option 2). If you choose the first, it is closer to the real thing but at the 1 of the 3 entrances (the northern which is the less visible), the letters are displayed backwards. That’s the way the textures are applied by default on the building and it cannot be changed. In case that you don’t like that, you can use the option without the sign.
The installation is very simple, just follow the instructions in the Read me text.
You can upload this mod anywhere you like as long as you give the proper credits.
You can also combine this mod with Pumuckl’s “California Flag” mod for the flag at the campus yard.
Thank you for downloading – Have a nice Campus time!
-Make Mods not Wars-