The Vangelico Heist 1.1 PATCH
-Legit copy of GTAV
Put Vangelico.dll, Vangelico.ini and Vangelico.pdb into your scripts folder.
If you do not have a scripts folder, read the requirements.
This mod allows you to rob the Vangelico Fine Jewellers in freeroam singleplayer. Go to the purple jewel on the map and press “E” or “F” to begin the heist. by default you have 1minute 45 seconds before the police “arrive”. Once they “arrived” you will recieve a wanted level. If you leave the area while you still have time you will not gain a wanted level.
CopTimerSeconds – The time in seconds you have before your fake wanted level turns into a real wanted level.
JewelryValuePerCabinet – value of each jewelry cabinet. NOTE this is not the final take, only value of each cabinet. There are 20 cabinets in the store.
WantedLevel – self explanatory.
CustomCameraEnabled – determines whether the cinematic camera is enabled when the animation plays
Credit goes to Slick for some features in this mod including the take bar.
0.2: – Added Alarm (will sound after the first cabinet is smashed.)
– Added a Heist Failed screen.
– Hostages now react instantly after guard is taken out
– Hostages will cower if you aim at them before killing the guard.
– changed some things with the cabinet loading (let me know if you have any problems)
– Changed “Cops Arrive in:” to “Police Arrival:”
– Other minor changes.
0.3 – Hopefully fixed some loading errors with the glass breaking and hostages(not able to test because i haven’t had this problem)
– Added an option to disable the animated camera in the .ini file.
– Other minor changes.
0.4 – Guard now has a vision cone and will get alerted when you enter the vision cone.
– Moved guard position.
– Added option to change the rifle in the animation(AssaultRifle, CarbineRifle, AdvancedRifle, BullpupRifle, SpecialCarbine)
0.5 – Added new smashing animation to the front of the cabinets (random chance of happening)
– Added blips to the cabinets.
– Lowered the payout to be more realistic
1.0: (Now requires the casino heist update)
– Added a jewel buyer mechanic with cutscene.
– Added new particle effect when smashing the cabinets.
– cabinet blips are now green like the sp mission.
1.1 Patch
– fixed crashing when arriving at the buyer.