Stop Reversing While Braking 1.4
Stop Reversing While Braking is a script that does what the name of it suggests. The script lets you continue holding the brake/reverse button when stopping without having to worry about the car flipping into reverse and hitting the car behind you. Instead the car will come to a stop and stay as long as you are holding the brake. To reverse, all you need to do is release the brake and then hold it again. if reversing, the accelerator acts as a brake. Once stopped all you need to do is release the accelerator and press it again to go forward. This script also adds automatic brake lights if you come to a stop without using the brake/reverse button and controller support.
– Requirements for Script Hook V and ScriptHookVDotNet
– Script Hook V
– ScriptHookVDotNet V2.10.12
– Copy “Stop Reversing While Braking.dll” to your “GTA V\Scripts\” folder
– Copy “SRWB.ini” to your “GTA V\Scripts\” folder (If updating from an older version, check the changelog to see if any changes have been made to the config file. If not, then you don’t need to do this step.)
– Updated to ScriptHookVDotNet V2.10.12
– Cleaned up code
– Added a config file
– Change “disableUseAcceleratorAsBrake” to true to remove using the accelerator as a brake while reversing
– Change “disableAutoBrakeLights” to true to remove the automatic brake lights that turn on when stopped
– Fixed a problem where pressing lightly on the brake, when using a controller, would cause the vehicle to go into reverse
– When reversing the accelerator now acts as a brake.
– Changed it so if the vehicle stops on its own and then you press the brake/reverse button it’ll go into reverse, instead of “locking” into place making you have to release the brake and then hold it again
– Fixed a small bug
– Initial release