Simple Trainer for GTA V 11.8

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Simple Trainer for GTA V 11.8

Various options normal to any trainer, the world’s simplest speedometer, either in KM/H or MP/H or both, 60 Teleporting options that can be customized using the trainerv.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assigned to hotkeys, which also can be customized using trainer.ini, all other car models can be spawned by using the menu. you can force a default station in each vehicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, both configurable in game and using the trainer.ini You can change your player model using the menu.

It also features time and weather options, and a bunch of car options Also any predefined teleport slot can be customized in game, overwriting the predefined values

The trainer also includes bodyguard /ped spawning, any model can be spawned, any weapon can be given , defaults in trainer.ini, these can also be altered using the bodyguard menu in game. In additional to bodyguards, also drivers, combat peds and peds and drivers that attack the player can be spawned. Normal peds can be given a total of ten tasks. You can assign the same tasks to the last spawned ped. You can set the bodyguards to follow you in a car. You can also select a specific ped and do stuff on the selected ped.

The trainer includes the mobile radio, which works outside of the car, all features that are available with the normal radio, also work with the mobile radio.

Trainer.ini contains the defaults section, where you can set certain settings to be enabled on game start.

More information and installation instructions available in the ReadMe.

Changes from 10.3
-Support for latest patch.
-Added 20 Vehicles.
-Added 17 Peds.
-Added 3 Weapons.
-Added 9 Interiors, no customization yet, this will come later. MP Heist 3 teleports.
-Added 22 cutscenes.
-Ability to enable the betting screens and the casio screen in the casino.
Objects, Animations, voices and other stuff will come later.

No Ini changes.

Changes from 10.4
-fixed versioning problem for despawn vehicles and recording UI. Scripthook is incorrectly reporting version 54 and 55.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 10.5
-Added Racing Wheels.
-Added JB700W in mine system.
-Added 15 Crew Emblem offsets.
-Added 10680 animations.
-Added 2955 Objects.
-Added 47 Timecycles
-Added 23 Voices and 1959 speeches
-Added 138 Overlays (Tattoo, T-shirts).
-Ability to Change the Arcade (+ Planning Room) and the Casino Vault.
-Added a fourth Teleport and fourth Teleport Save page. content is the same as page3.
-Auto clean, new option for the vehicle god mode.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 10.6
-Ability to place additional arcade machines in the Arcade.
-Screens work in Arcade, ability to change channel.
-Changed timecycle modifier for the Arcade teleport.
-Working Jukebox, using the trainer’s built in detection for Radio stations (meaning add-on stations will work on it too). Station will
be saved when you save the interior.
-Changed the Apartment Radio function to also use the built in detection, meaning add-on stations will now work on all apartment radios.
-Added Two Radio Emitters for the Casino Penthouse, they work without having to enable apartment radio. One is at room in front of the bedroom,
the other in the bar, near the Spa entrance. Stations will be saved when you use save interior.
-Added Snow Theme for Penthouse Office and Casino Screens.
-Added 200 additional Vehicle Save/Load slots, bringing the total to 500.
-Fixed Ceramic Pistol’s extended clip not applying.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 10.7
-I replicated the way you can customize the arcade machines, all 35 slots are in each slot you can choose whatever machine
you want, just like in Online. I did lift some of R’s restrictions, so it offers more customization.
Removed the Arcade set as it became useless because of the above, option replaced by a Xmas Tree 🙂
-Added Xmas trees in the casino
-Added the three new xmas decorations at various locations in the penthouse.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 10.8
-Added Fortune Teller door in Arcade.
-Changed the no cars function, I just remove all cars now.
-Changed the no police helicopters to use a native instead of deleting the actual choppers. (Thanks PNWParksFan).
-Added Casino exterior teleport to MP Vinewoods teleport menu.
-Ability to control the radio in Casino, all stations (including the hidden Casino Station), go to the front desk to enable/disable or change stations, will be saved when saved interior is used.
-Added hidden Casino Penthouse radio station when you use the radio in the Penthouse Bar.
-Ability to control the radio at the Casino Roof. (All Stations including the hidden Casino Station). Go to the bar to enable/disable or change stations.
-Added five hidden stations to the Arcade Jukebox.
-When you enable the Arcade Jukebox, there will also be a radio in the planning room (near the vending machine), same stations as the Jukebox, ability to change stations.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 10.9
-updated for latest patch.
-small fixes to the apartment radio.
-added several radios to the apartment radio.
-vehicles with certain liveries will spawn using the right livery.

No Ini Changes

Changes from 11.0
-Support for 1868.4 (Epic games)
-this has been tested to work with the openhook, with Rage in combination with asisupport and with a hook made by kenny wall which I would recommend
as the native support is probably best in this hook:
-For full support, one needs to wait for Blade to release his hook for this version, if something does not work on either of the three alternatives hooks, not ask me, I fully support Blade’s hook..
-A few small fixes, for people that don’t like the No Vehicles funtion deleting spawned vehicles, enable vehicle blips, or do not use the function.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 11.1
-Few small changes related to the yachts, which makes them work correctly even if Blade’s hook is not used.
-Added maps for the spawned yachts, and thanks to Alex 106 (I borrowed the coords from your script)
I added maps for the Aircraft Carrier, the Heist yacht and the Gun-running yacht. The spawned yachts will work only when spawned, the rest only when the option show zancudo and prison is enabled.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 11.2
-Added ability to manually enter weapon components in game.
-Added ability to manually define weapon components for added weapons, ini addedweaponcomponents See the provided examples, total of 200 components.
-Fixed some issues with spawned vehicles disappearing when no cars was enabled. When no cars was enabled, and you would spawn a vehicle without entering it automatically or when
you loaded a saved vehicle, the vehicle would disappear within a few seconds. I have implemented a system where those cars are simply persistent. Once you spawn a new car, or when you
load a new saved car, the previous will be made “unpersistent” and will disappear just as normally. When you do not use the no cars function, or when you enabled vehicle blips (which means
all vehicles are presistent) this has no effect.
-fix vehicle will now also extinguish any fires.
-added the Director Selector (trailer) in teleports menu.

Ini Changes:
Added Section addedweaponcomponents at the bottom of the file, just copy to your existing ini, or if you do not plan on using it, leave it.

Changes from 11.3
-added 15 vehicles
-added one teleport
-adjusted for latest patch

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 11.4
-changed Nitro to have boost. The nitro works a little different, you hold X and as long as you hold it Nitro will work, release and it stops.
-added new wheel category (Street Wheels).
-added 13 vehicle emblems.
-added 552 objects.
-added 2 Arcade machines.
-added 2 trophies in Arcarde.
-added 35×2 T-shirts.
-added 2 Voices and 186 Speeches.
-added 110 animations.
-added 7 Timecycles.

Changes from 11.5
-added new tuning category Louvers/Snorkels in vehicle mod menu (Benny).
-changed Nitro again, to be more like how it worked before, it is still not perfect, but it will have to do for now,
you engage with pressing x (not holding) and disengage by pressing x again or when it runs out. Sound is back.
-ability to enter space and – when entering ped names….
-No Trains, will be saved to ini
-Alternative no cars, put nocars2=1 in defaults section of trainerv.ini, you still need to enable no cars in game.
-removed the MP summer teleport page, as the yacht has been added to the yacht teleports as the 37th yacht, full support, just like the other yachts.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 11.6
-Fixed the external map and interior maps for the 37th Yacht.
-Fixed a problem with the Yatch Tv’s.
-Added radio near the Jaccuzi, on the bow, near the bridge and on the second deck, for all 37 yachts. Also the radio state and station is saved when you select save yacht to ini.
-Fixed a tiny problem with Jacuzzi teleport position when the Orion Yacht was selected.
-Added 10 more added Vehicle pages, bringing the total to 1600 !
-Added 3 more Teleporting and Teleporting Save Menu pages, you can now save up to 210 teleporting locations.
-Trainer will be compatible with latest patch (1.0.2060.1).
-Ability to spawn cars fully tuned, option on the second vehicle options page, will be saved when save to ini is used.
-Changed the Vehicle Spawn Keys, There were already 12 vehicle spawns, (LALT+A and so on) which would allow you to assign a specific vehicle model to it,
I have added 13 more which will load Vehicle save slot 3-15, (1 and 2 are already assigned to a keycombination). This gives you the choice in game to determine
what model is spawned by using the key, but also exactly what tuning options are applied to it.
So just to be clear:
LALT+A until LAlT+G remain unchanged Ini Slot 1 – Ini Slot 7
LALT+H until LALT+L new using Vehicle Save Slot 3 – Vehicle Save Slot 7
LALT+M until LALT+N unchanged Ini Slot 8 – Ini Slot 9
LALT+O until LALT+Q new using Vehicle Save Slot 8 – Vehicle Save Slot 10
LALT+R Unchanged Random Vehicle
LALT+S new using Vehicle Slot 11
LALT+T until LALT+U Unchanged Ini Slot 10 – Ini Slot 11
LALT+V until LALT+W new using Vehicle Save Slot 12 -Vehicle Save Slot 13
LALT+X Unchanged Ini Slot 12
LALT+Y until LALT+Z new using Vehicle Save Slot 14 – Vehicle Save Slot 15
And yes, you can define the keys for the new ones as well, add Spawn13Key1 until Spawn25key2 to keybindings section of the ini.

No Ini Changes.

Changes from 11.7
-Fixed my fix for Yacht TV, was developed and working fine under rage+asisupport,did not work under SHV 🙁
-Fixed a problem with Yacht Teleporting and the Radio.
-Added Scripted SP and MP IPL’s, other teleports.
-Added 3 more Added Weapons menus, bringing the total to 200 added weapons.

No ini Changes.

Author: sjaak327
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