Player Companion 1.2 (Controller Support, Bugfix)
Player Companion is an expanded version of Hunk’s Buddy Control, re-written from scratch, the mod allows you to have a bodyguard/friend/girlfriend in GTAV, hangout with your Companion to unlock new activities
with a high enough reputation you will unlock new activities, Yoga, Arm Wresling, Private Dance and much more, when not on a date or hanging out with your Companion you can find your companion in their house (or in yours if you have the option unlocked), if you want access to their house you will have to increase your relationship with your Companion, but dont worry you can call the Player Companion Contact in your ingame phone to organise a date.
you will have 3 stats which will affect what activities you can do
Relationship : Relationship is the first stat it will mainly control everything, unlocking events and interactions, will gradually increase overtime, but will slowly increase while wanted.
Combat : Combat is the second, this one will increase when your companion engages someone in combat, it also controls how much health your companion has, it increases more while wanted.
Adrenaline : Adrenaline is the last stat, it increases while doing dangerous activities, such as driving fast, drifting, hitting jumps etc.
to make a ped your companion walk up to them and you should be prompted to make that ped your companion, the mod also has over 30 Preset outfits for MP male and MP female that spawn in the world, for your choice of making one of them your companion!
Drag the conents of the Player Companion Zip to scripts folder, if you dont have a scripts folder create one
Install Scripthookv and Scripthookvdotnet, and change ReloadKey=Insert in scripthookvdotnet.ini
Install LemonUI for SHVDN2 in scirpts (Drag the contents of SHVDN2 folder into scripts, PDB and DLL)
intall Enable All Interiors and ONCE IN GAME, Hit Insert to Force MP maps to load
1.0A (Discord Beta)
Initial Release
1.01A (Discord Beta)
fixed a few bugs
1.0 (5mods Release)
Added ability to allow Companion to stay over
fixed hair not being reset
Companion now wanders away if no nearby road is detected when pressing F11 to end date