OpenIV Package Manager 1.0
OpenIV Package Manager (aka OIVPM) is a tool where you can create packages compatibles with OpenIV easily. The only thing you have to do is: start a new project, fill the forms, add content to the package and build it.
That’s all! So easy!
If you see any crash/bug/translation mistake please report it in comments section or send an email to soporte.oivpm@gmail.com with following in subject: [Crash] [Bug] [Mistake]. You have to detail all the steps that you followed to reproduce that crash/bug.
.NET Framework 4.5.2
— v1.0 —
Bug fixes
You can now add multiple files from dialog that appears when you click on “source” file box.
Added support for Text and XML commands.
If you select an icon image greater than 128×128, you will be asking for resize it.
You can drop multiple files on content tree.
You can now add multiple archives at once. You don’t have to create an archive node for each .rpf file. All you have to do is add the full path to the last .rpf file.
The structure of archives and files will be generated in content folder too. This prevents overwriting existing files.
Color picker added to Color tab. You don’t have to write the Hex value anymore.
If you delete an “archive” node all directory structure from that node will be deleted.
Banner preview available in Color tab.
You can now select an item from content tree right-clicking on it.
— BETA —
Initial release