Kill Cam 1.0.5
This mod adds a cinematic kill camera, similar to RDR2. It includes a ped camera, player camera, screen effects, sound effects and 20 configurable settings to suit your preferences.
This script will conflict with mods that override the game’s time scale every frame – this may include slow motion mods or trainers with slow motion settings enabled.
Script Hook V
Community Script Hook V .NET
Configurable Options
AllowInteriors (Allow Kill Cam to trigger inside buildings)
FinalHit (Determines whether the player caused the final hit)
Chance (Chance of Kill Cam triggering after meeting conditions above)
CustomFov (Enables the use of custom FOV settings)
CamFov (Sets FOV for cameras)
ShowPedCam (Display camera for killed ped)
TimePedCam (Camera interval for killed ped in milliseconds)
ShowPlayerCam (Display camera for player)
TimePlayerCam (Camera interval for player in milliseconds)
TimeScale (Time Scale during Kill Cam)
EnableEffect (Enable visual effects)
Effect (Timecycle used for visual effect)
EffectTimeIn (Visual effect transition in time)
EffectTimeOut (Visual effect transition out time)
SoundEffects (Enable Kill Cam sound effects)
IgnorePlayer (Player is ignored by peds during the Kill Cam)
EnemiesOnly (Kill Cam triggers only for enemies)
NoCollisions (Cancels camera if collisions are detected)
NoEnemiesNearby (Kill Cam triggers when no alive enemies are nearby)
NoEnemiesRange (Sets range for setting above)
Copy KillCam.dll and KillCam.ini to scripts folder
Open KillCam.ini in a text editor to configure preferences
Camera may clip through walls, peds and objects, especially inside buildings. NoCollisions can be used to mitigate this by cancelling the camera if something collides with it.
Enabling NoCollisions also removes entities that happen to be where the camera spawns.
May conflict with mods that modify timecycles if EnableEffects is set to true
Change Log
v1.0.5: (Game reboot required if any other versions have been used in the same session) Fixed issues with certain story missions, which were related to the ped camera sound effects. As a result, these were adjusted. Other issues with in-game audio have been addressed. Adjusted ped camera location to reduce the likelihood of spawning underneath the ground.
v1.0.4: Added checks before cameras/objects are called to prevent stuck Kill Cams / script crashes. NoCollisions preference is now in the ‘Experimental’ section.
v1.0.3: Enemy related preferences have been separated from the main script and can be enabled in the ‘Experimental’ settings, added IgnorePlayer preference in ‘Experimental’, added CustomFov preference to toggle CamFov changes. Fixed an issue where the script could crash on first load with NoCollisions enabled.
v1.0.2: There is now one file for both SHVDN versions, added CamFov and FinalHit preferences, and fixed crashes with certain camera preferences.
v1.0.1: Added a ScriptHookVDotNet v3 compatible version
v1.0: Release