gang and turf trevor philips industries 1.0
This is a simple gang I made for Trevor Philips industries
Consisting out of white rednecks from sandy as well as the odd characters and marine
Thay only have small arms think pistol micro SMG and shotgun my own settings but you can just buy em better guns I just like the small arms fights
Thay mostly drive 4 door pickups dirt bikes pickups with the HMG and Boxvile(might have missed 1 or 2)
Gang and Turf Mod
Install is simple just copy the gang data into your gangmoddata in your gta 5 directory
or open it in notepad and copy the player gang and replacing it in your own gangdata if you don’t want the random gangs that come with this
I hope you enjoy it.
if you have any faction request let me know and ill see if want\can make it