Better Ped AI And Aim And Driving
Whenever you look in the horizon and you see a group of armed goons coming for you don’t worry since they can’t do shiz on you just piss on your position. Or whenever your roleplaying and you call in your homies for some backup against some armored b*tches and see after 10 seconds that your homies have been gangbanged up hard. This mod changes that now your homies or those armed goons I mentioned beforehand can gangbang you or those b*tches. Detailed improvement’s on each ped is listed below.
Swat units now rapidly fire bullets from their gun’s rather then fire in short bursts of three bullets. Their Driving AI is also Improved slightly with new code commands. Swat units now blind fire from cover just like in GTA 4 all while also retaining good aim accuracy to add to that they unload their entire magazine most of the time when they blind fire ( Swat units won’t blind fire while in cover when their position is already to revealing to do that but rather then original standard exit cover to shoot). Their values in the game for fighting proficiency have also been pumped up. Further more to that Swat units will also fully secure an area for about 1:30 minutes once their target is dead so they won’t be being ambushed every second when they literally killed a dude a couple seconds ago.
Just like Swat the military has better driving AI, Improved Fighting proficiency Values. They Fire In Short Bursts And Blind Fire While In Cover. They can now slowly walk while shooting compared to the standard run and shoot of the Swat and their original code. They can throw tear gas, I have added that line to the code but I think the only way of them deploying tear gas can be done when their spawned in threw a wanted level but never less a nice gimmick. They also can secure area’s once they kill a enemy but the time they take has been cut in almost half compared to Swat.
Cop have better driving AI and improved fighting proficiency. They won’t blind fire since they don’t that have they level of fighting proficiency and also will most of the time slowly walk while they shoot. Cops won’t rush enemies and they also can’t flank enemies so they basically keep a distance. They also can secure an area but just like the military the amount of time they take will be cut in half compared to swat.
The gang have little changed they can now also shoot while slowly walking and secure a area they amount of time they take compared to the swat has been cut in three.
Security Guards:
Little changed just like the gangs expect the fact they can fully secure an area once they have killed a enemy ( if they even can ) they amount of the time they take to secure an position is similar to swat since its their job to “secure stuff”.
Also No Scripts Are Involved In This Neither Any Requirements Just Changes In Lines Of The Pre-existing Code So You Don’t Have To Worry About Any Crash’s Since Even The Most Stable Of Mods Crash Not This One Though
Install File To Mods/update/update.rpf/ai
1. If you run away from your teammates/bodyguards (peds that follow you) while their securing an area they will stop doing that and follow you, in order for this to not happen make sure you stay close to them until you yourself know thee area is clear than you can just do what your doing and not have to wait for them.
2. Some mods might replace the file I have made , if you notice improvements going away I recommend a reinstall since the file most likely has been replaced their will be no
combability issues unless your using the the mod Realism Dispatch Enhanced besides that mod you will have no troubles.