Better Chases+ 1.1.2
Better Chases+ is a continuation of Eddlm’s & Guadmaz’s famous Better Chases and Arrest Warrants mods, with permission. Completely rewritten with maximum performance in mind and new features added.
Revamped Wanted Level to be a progressive system with extensive customization
A more realistic and proportional police response
Arrest Warrant system that adds new gameplay after a chase ends
Significantly enhances the overall police gameplay
Arrest Warrants are a new part of the gameplay, escaping the police isn’t enough anymore – now you must continue to avoid police or risk resuming a chase you thought you escaped. Once wanted the police can identify you and your vehicle if you let them get too close. Once you escape you will have an Arrest Warrant issued for you and/or your vehicle and police will be looking for those descriptions.
Each character & vehicle can have their own arrest warrant. If the police identify your vehicle in a chase, escape and then get a new vehicle or risk the police recognizing it and starting the chase again.
Change your appearance by changing clothes or painting a vehicle to make it harder for police to recognize you.
Arrest Warrants are saved and loaded with the game.
With Better Chases the police have a much larger range of responses based on your actions. A chase begins with a limited police response and depending how you try to evade police will determine the force used against you. Drive recklessly by hitting pedestrians or police and you will quickly find the chase has become much more serious.
Overhauled how the wanted system progresses from 1 star to 5 stars via crimes & more.
Extensive customization allows you to tailor your own experience.
Build the wanted level based on crimes you commit during a police chase.
Police aggressiveness is now controllable and proportional.
ScriptHookV Latest
ScriptHookVDotNet 3.0.4
NativeUI 1.7 – 1.9.1
“Better Chases+.dll” & “BetterChasesConfig.xml” go in your GTAV scripts folder. If you don’t have one, create it.
“Better Chases+.pdb” is recommended but not required and goes in the same location as the same name dll file above. It helps debug issues by giving exact lines numbers during errors
Install Stolen (optional) if you want police to react to driving stolen vehicles
Known Issues
Police will shoot you with stun guns and not arrest you above 1 star – you must use the surrender feature because Rockstar
Other Modders
You can issue a warrant with newly public methods, example:
BetterChasesPlus.ArrestWarrants.ActiveWarrant.WantedLevel = 1;
Cops should no longer shoot you with the stun gun when you are on the ground, already being stunned, or sitting in a vehicle
Changed surrender animation to one that looks more natural
Rewrote extra bust opportunity (surrendering) so you can initiate it while on the ground or being stunned so you can get up and get busted
Fixed a bug that would sometimes not allow you to surrender (Rockstar code says IsStunned == IsRunning for some reason so now based on player speed)
Changed cop PED detection to type based to support addon cop peds
Removed “Debug” UI being displayed
Added SurrenderKey & SurrenderButton to the config XML file
Prevented Reckless crime report when riding bicycle
Completely rewrote Better Chases module
Made almost everything customizable
Refactored Dispatch Control to fix issues with cops disappearing and performance
Rewrote all Crimes for customization, performance, and bug fixes
Police Won’t Commandeer is now fully fixed
Refactored wanted level progression
Completely rewrote the in-game menu and used NativeUI 1.8 for increased compatibility
Added saving and loading of Arrest Warrants, saves when warrants are issued or cleared, loads on game start or via debug menu
Refactored Better Chases and Arrest Warrants to use in-game time instead of real world time, real world time had to be removed because it was not possible to save and load properly
Stolen vehicle feature removed from Arrest Warrants and added to Better Chases as a crime during a chase. Use another mod like Pull Me Over to start a chase because of a stolen vehicle.
Updated mod to .Net Framework 4.8
Update mod to ScriptHookVDotNet 3
Started including mod .pdb file for exact line number errors
Additional debug commands added
At 1 star police now try to just arrest you without shooting at all, if in a vehicle they wait until you get out to arrest you
Aiming at civilians in front of police now also gives lethal force authorization
Added a new optional Better Chases menu setting called “Lethal-Force on aiming any weapon” which when enabled will authorize deadly force when you aim any weapon at anything not just police or civilians
Cleaned up the messages when killing NPCs to make better sense
Added a Debug menu item to the main menu to help speed up development and debugging
Fixed an issue where police would not use lethal force on NPCs based on the player’s lethal force status
Fixed an issue where sometimes a warrant would not be cleared when Wasted or Busted
Removed the 40 meter limit for police to detect if the player killed someone, line of sight is still required
Added assaulting police violation detection when the player harms police directly or with a vehicle
Added the “Chase Time” option
Fixed an issue where “Cop Vehicle Control” would sometimes remove a vehicle while near the player
Fixed a few mod menu option names & descriptions that were too long
Updated documentation
Mod download now includes NativeUI 1.9.1
“Allow extra bust opportunity” no longer allows surrendering while in swimming or falling states
Fixed an issue where the Spotted Meter and chevrons about cops remained on screen when exiting a wanted vehicle
Fixed an issue where police recognized the “flipping the bird” gesture as a deadly weapon.
Updated the list of deadly weapons police recognize
Added GUI Offset options to the mod menu
Added public function for external use of issuing warrants and clearing them
Fixed logic for police detecting player murders
Fixed weapon detection while inside a vehicle
Added “Recognition Settings” options
Fixed an issue where nearby police on-foot would approach the player when not wanted with no active warrants
Initial release