Better Carjacking 2.0.0
Better Carjacking is now open-source!
If you are experienced in C# and want to help improve this mod check out the GitHub page!
A mod that makes it so that peds may just flee instead of driving away when targeted.
Installation and Dependencies:
You need to have ScriptHookV and ScriptHookVdotNet installed.
Move the BetterCarjacking.dll into your scripts folder
Point a gun at a driver in a car. They have a 50% chance to drive backwards or forwards like normal or they could flee, giving you the car to take.
Fixed a possible crash if player points gun in driver’s seat.
Peds no longer exit vehicle when player is already in vehicle
Debug mode (for developers)
Cars now decelerate instead of abruptly stopping (Thanks to @HomelessParty)
You can now also point at a ped’s car to trigger them (Again thanks to @HomelessParty)
Fixed a major performance issue due to bad code.
Initial release.