After Hours Business (WIP) 1.1
Diamond Casino & Resort 1.48 Update is Required!
FIrst i must say I apologise for the multiple setback this mod has had, over the last year, but ive finally found time to upload a working version
This mod will allow any of the three protagonists to own a Nightclub like in GTA Online, manage your Business the same as in all my other Business mods, Store up to 10 vehicles in the Nightclub Garage, purchase and use a Terrobyte Command Vehicle, ported from my Working Terrobyte mod. customize the Nightclubs look and purchase After Hours vehicles from the main Computer
Install Drop AfterHoursBusiness1_0.dll and AfterhoursBusiness folder into scripts, if you dont have one, create one named ‘scripts’ (without quotes)
Install Scripthookv, Scripthookvdotnet, make sure to drag and drop all files from the Scripthookvdotnet zip into gtav root, then set ReloadKey=Insert in Scripthookvdotnet.ini, then drag and drop disablebusiness.ini into scripts IF you already have one you need to replace your old one with this one!, next download the latest NativeUI 1.9.1 and drop NativeUI.dll in scripts
Open Command Center Interiors is NEEDED if you plan to use the Terrobyte
Known Issues
a minor bug where the exit marker will disappear shortly after entering the Nightclub, and no indication of being set in interior, to fix this hit Insert to Reload the mod
initial release
fixed radio volume being very low