Advanced Fuel Mod 1.4
Dislikes don’t help anyone, I’d much rather you leave a comment and talk to me about the issues you are having. This is my first mod so there will be some issues, but im working my hardest to get this mod working for everyone, If you just don’t like the mod, Please tell me why so i can look at making it better. However, if i don’t like your idea, feel free to leave a dislike.
Next update:
in the middle of a complete code re-write to utilise polymorphism and make it more manageable, This could take another week or more so please be patient. I do apologize as i am working very long hours atm, but i will get it done ASAP.
– Relaistic(ish) fuel consumption engine
– Realistic and varying fuel prices
– Realistic fuel tank sizes
– Fuel bar with quarter indicators
– Engine cuts off if you run out of fuel
– Stop the car, boat, helicopter or plane at a petrol station, dock, helipad or hangar and sound the horn or press L (for plane and helicopter) to refuel
– Get out your vehicle and refill with a Jerry can
– Blips with refuelling locations on amp
– Map with petrol station locations included in archive
– use metric OR imperial units
– Customize location of fuel bar and vehicle statistics.
– Customize where/how vehicle stats are displayed with custom formatting
– Add/edit/remove refuel locations
Vehicle Statistics:
– inst. fuel consumption
– Avg. fuel consumption
– speed
– avg. speed
– Distance driven
– Fuel usage
– Fuel Range
– Top Speed
– Gllobalization – some non-english users are reporting issues
– Fuel Syphoning
– customizable everything
– player animations when refuelling
– 0-100km/h(60mph) Timer and top speed statistic
– Hybrid vehicles use less fuel, pure electric uses none (but possibly has to recharge)
Script Hook V
Script Hook V .NET
Installation Instructions:
Make sure you have the above requirements installed, then extract the archive and place Advanced_Fuel_Mod.dll and Advanced_Fuel_Mod_Settings.ini in your scripts folder.
Electric cars! go to a lightning bolt on your map to recharge your vehicle. – Still a work in progress.
New Text Element special words related to electric vehicles.
Custom Vehicle Stats text – see readme, and .ini for examples
Can reload settings file – F11 by default
Custom Terms – Use ‘Gas’ instead of ‘Petrol’
Added ability to disable fuel usage for emergencies
Edited fuel consumption algorithm
Blimps are now usable
Code overhaul to allow for an easier implementation of animations
RGBA Colour issue fixed
debugging GUI text removed
Added ability to stop refuelling mid-way by honking again
custom fuel pricing in .ini file
large code overhaul for next update with custom vehicle stat text – I couldn’t get it done in one night.
Added fuel range and top speed statistic
moved refuel locations to .ini file, this allows for adding and removing custom locations, as well as hiding the blips from the radar for each refuel location.
minor bug fixes.
Added 14 refuelling points
Option in ini file to have stats off by default
fuel pumps have a constant flow rate so bigger tanks will take longer to refill
terrible looking jerry can refuel animation
minor bug fixes
Added fuel consumption for planes and helicopters
added refuel locations for boats, helicopters and planes
-Only boats can refuel at docks
-Only planes can refuel at hangars
-Only helicopters can refuel at helipads
-Only cars and motorbikes can refuel at petrol stations
added fuel stat for vehicle
-shows fuel percentage, and amount left
minor bugfixes
slightly more realistic fuel consumption algorithm.
Boats have been added back in – refill with Jerry can until i can add boat refueling locations
added fuel used statistic
minor bug fixes and enhancements
All vehicles have a realistically sized fuel tank (if you disagree with a cars fuel tank size, please let me know.
bug fixing for internationsal user
minor improvements to support for international users
Switching characters no longer breaks the mod
minor bug fixes and improvements to error logging to allow for easier debugging.
New readme file – Please read!
forgot to add some code to V1.2 (its late, I’ve had a long day)
Overlay Does not display when it shouldnt
Can fill car with Jerry Can
Can manually turn off engine
Can manually reset vehicle stats
option to use more fuel when tank is leaking
Vehicles other than bikes and cars have been disabled (for now)
Custom keybindings
customize fuel gauge position and vehicle stats position
Customize fuel gauge colours
Codebase has been massively overhauled to allow for more elaborate updates
Mod now works with ScriptHookV.NET V1.0
added settings file to use metric OR imperial units
planes no longer use fuel(temporary until i can improve the fuel consumption algorithm)
improved statistics placement
added map of petrol stations
if your a passenger, you don’t see any fuel consumption stats of gauge.
Mod not working? please ensure you have the latest version of Script Hook V and Script Hook V .NET.
If If the problem still persists, please leave a message in the comments section detailing your problem. If possible, comment with a link to your ‘ScriptHookVDotNet.log’ and your ‘AdvancedFuelMod_ErrorLog.txt’ files.
Common Issues
European users – In your .ini file replace any decimal points with a comma (if your language calls for that).