[4k] Dubai Police Texture Pack 2020 Edition 1.0.0
This Download Includes 3 Dubai Police Liveries:
2014 Dodge Charger (Patrol)
2013 Tahoe PPV (Dubai Police Special Tasks)
2013 Tahoe PPV (Patrol)
These are the current liveries being used by The Dubai Police. Please note that the liveries are low resolution in the images due to my PC settings but actually they are of decent quality.
This is my first modification for Grand Theft Auto V and I will be uploading more liveries of Dubai Police soon. Confirmed include:
1. 2011 CVPI (Dubai Police does not actually use CVPIs but a livery can still be designed)
2. 2016 FPIU
3. 2010 Dodge Charger
4. 2016 Tahoe PPV
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Vehicle Models Used:
All-Blue 2014 Dodge Charger
All-Blue 2013 Tahoe
All-Blue 2013 Tahoe Slicktop
Templates Used:
2014 Dodge Charger
2013 Tahoe (OfficerUnderwood)